Friday, April 3, 2009

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We're having a BABY!!

We are so excited to share our news and send out the details to everyone. We found out that we were expecting a new addition to our family in early December and are now half way through the pregnancy at 20 weeks. Our due date is August 21st so be thinking of us as that day quickly approaches.

The picture that is attached is the ultrasound we got at 3 months. Kendall thinks that it's going to be a boy because the baby was doing a crazy little jig just like daddy. In two more weeks we will get another ultrasound and be able to find out what we are having. (Boy or Girl) At first I didn't know if we wanted to find out. I know we will both love whatever God has in store for us but we are excited to start decorating in blue or pink and begin to imagine our life with our new little lady or little man.

Everything has gone good so far. We both look healthy and I have gotten over the dreaded morning sickness (all day sickness) and the exhaustion that comes with the first trimester. I am more and more excited about all the changes that are taking place. I can feel the baby move now a little more every day which is a lot of fun.

We hope that you are as excited to hear our news as we are to share it. We love you all and miss you very much. Stay in touch and check out our blog for the latest goings on in the Elkins' Family.


  1. We are Super exicted for you guys. I thought the baby looked like it was doing a jig as well!

  2. YEAH!!! We are very excited for you. Children are a gift from the Lord. Ps. 127:3. What a coincidence...Riley's due date was August 20th! One day off of your little one. Enjoy pregnancy...especially now. I'm 38 weeks and ready to pop. You are in the "honeymoon" phase of it all, believe it or not. So happy you are blogging so we can keep in touch with you better. We love you.

  3. yay!!! love the ultrasound pics. so glad you are feeling better. keep us posted! we miss you guys.

  4. Congratulations to you both! I found your blog through Allison's. Glad all is going well in Colorado!

  5. Thanks to everyone who has commented. We are glad to share with you and will keep you in touch.
