Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Less than four weeks to go!!

With less than four weeks until our due date we are starting to get very anxious and excited. The baby is still moving a lot and growing more and more every day. I have been healthy and have started attending weekly doctors appointments in preparation for the big event. My plan is to try for a natural delivery. We will see what happens on the day, but I have faith that it is possible.

We are asking that everyone keep us in their thoughts and prayers as the big day approaches. Reading the birth story of our friends who just welcomed their little boy into the world has given me a lot of encouragement that the process of having a child can be a beautiful and life changing event.

My plan is to put my feet up, prepare my nest and await the miracle that is about to take place in my life. Despite how hard things are and all that can and does go wrong on a day to day basis, I know that everything will be alright and we are truly blessed to have this experience looming on the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    I knew you were prego, but I didn't realize it was all happening so soon! How's Colorado? You are going to do great in labor! I had both of mine all natural and although it was hard work, it was beautiful and totally worth it. Glad to find your blog!
    Love, Elizabeth Harvey
