Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some things change and some stay the same

Things here are going good. We have had some snow recently which is so fun for our dog Sadie. Her favorite thing is to jump and run in the deep snow. We also need the moisture so it's good in a lot of ways.

Kendall is staying busy writing for the local paper and working out to get his shoulder back in shape after his surgery. I have started writing less for the paper and have limited what I am doing to the local government meetings.

I have been working a lot at the schools and I'm still having a lot of fun doing that. A friend of mine, Mary, who was also working as a sub recently decided that she wasn't cut out for the job and she is going to take a little bit of a break. I'm sure that I will be getting a lot of her shifts which will keep me even busier. It might be okay though because it means I can discriminate a little more and turn down some jobs at the high school and middle school. I will miss seeing her around at the elementary however.

I think that overall Mary is a little burnt out on life. We have been attending a Bible study at her and her husbands house for several months now and really like it. They have recently decided to take a break from that as well which is sad. We are hoping to get involved quickly in something else or maybe even start a study of our own. Who knows!!

I have been sick the last couple of days and I am not a very good patient. Kendall is a great husband and is trying his best to get me on the mend but I can tell that he is a little tired of me not feeling well.

We miss everyone so much back in Humboldt and are working hard to invent a space craft that will get us there and back at warp speed. Our first couple of prototypes were unsuccessful but we are keeping our hopes alive.

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