Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fells Like Summer

It has been unusually hot in our town over the last week with temperatures reaching into the 70's. Kendall and I have been going on walks every day with our crazy dog Sadie. She loves bounding through the snow and chasing after sticks. She's not as good at bringing them back as we would like her to be but we figure that it's not really in her nature to retrieve as much as it is to chase so we let it go.

With the hot weather we have been leaving the windows open at night and enjoying the fresh air which is really nice. The air here is so dry in the winter time that you have to always have chap stick on hand. Also the static is so bad that if you slide across the floor in your socks and then touch some unsuspecting soul you will really give them quite a shock. The downside is, you shock the heck out of yourself in the process.

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